If you love crafting and especially making your own clothes, you really need to check out the fabrics produced by 20th Century Cloth. If you don't? Well, maybe you want to treat yourself to the maker's make-up bags and wash bags, which use the very same designs.
There really is an extensive range of fabrics available, all designed in-house and all printed in the UK. Trust us, you really will be spoilt for choice at the website if you want to produce something from a 1950s or 1960s-style fashion fabric.
As we said, that's only half the story, with 20th Century Cloth now producing items using those same designs, initially make-up and wash bags, which are also available online, with some of the designs pictured here.
Prices you ask? Depends what you go for. The cloths are around £14 per half metre, with swatches available if you want a closer look. If you want the ready made items, the make-up bags are around £12, with the twin sets at £30.