These handmade oversized Scrabble letters by Epic Woodworx are stunning and offer so many uses around the home.
The Scrabble letter. It’s a design classic of sorts. Instantly recognisable and timeless. There’s a reason why it hasn’t changed in decades.
It isn’t the first time Scrabble letters have been offered as a piece of interior design either. You might recall the Scrabble lights I featured a few years back, as well as the Scrabble cushions. But these letters are a cut above those.
As I said above, these are handmade, made of solid wood (not plywood) and hand-painted rather than having a vinyl sticker used for the lettering. Big too, each one sized at around 6 inches.
Of course, the cost is based on how you use these. They are great for names, especially in a kid’s bedroom for example. Or you might want them to say something about the room (‘kitchen’) or trow in some kind of cheery message. The possibilities are endless, but the more complicated you get, the more pricey things will be.
That’s because each one is £6.06 each. It doesn’t sound much, but once you get to 10 letters or above, things start to add up a bit. But these letters are built to last and should be worth the investment.