To put it simply, Retro To Go is a blog about retro things. It is that simple.
The site was set up around 2006 very much as a hobby and my personal blog, with David writing about things the has seen and loved, on the high street, online or indeed anywhere. Things haven’t changed much since.
This is still very much a personal blog rather than some kind of business and it’s still me writing about things I love. The only difference is that the site looks better than it used to do.
Over the years I have also been featured in various top 10 listings, newspapers, magazines and so on. I’ll not bore you with the details. And as you may have noticed, I have celebrated 10 years with an all-new design for the site, making it easier to browse on both desktop and mobile.
10 years on and Retro To Go is still your daily guide to all things hip and retro. Here’s to another decade.