Categories / Architecture, Property

Available to rent: 1950s Ivor Berresford-designed midcentury property in Sundridge Park, Bromley, Kent


Not just a great example of British midcentury design, this 1950s Ivor Berresford-designed house in Sundridge Park, Bromley, Kent is up for rental.

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Categories / Architecture, Property

For sale: 1930s Mollie Taylor-designed Kilowatt House art deco house in Bath, Somerset


Once upon a time, it was the home of electrical engineer Anthony Greenhill and his audio and light experiments. Now, this 1930s Mollie Taylor-designed Kilowatt House art deco property in Bath, Somerset has been renovated and available as a family home.

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Categories / Architecture

Own and build Le Corbusier’s Villa Savoye modernist house in cardboard


Fancy owning an iconic modernist home? Well, if you are prepared to put in a bit of work, you can pick up Le Corbusier’s Villa Savoye modernist house for a fraction of the price of the original.

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Categories / Architecture, Property

For sale: Four-bedroom 1960s modernist house in the Courtyards development, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire


Not only do you get a period build, but this four-bedroom 1960s modernist house in the Courtyards development, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire also comes with its own retro finish.

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