We have been browsing eBay for some of the coolest vintage sports cars on offer there right now. Here are our five favourites right now, with more details on all in the individual listings.
The price of a classic Fiat 500 goes up as each years passes. So one that’s currently under £1,000 definitely caught our eye. However, there is an issue with this 1967 Fiat 500.
You do see a few of these coming up, but not too many with the full interior and the external detailing just as it should be. That’s the big selling point for this particular Mary Quant Edition Mini car.
A lot of options out there when it comes tho vintage-style city bicycles, but the Milverton bike by Temple Cycles is definitely up there with the best of them.
This is a stunning vehicle and if you agree, you’ll be interested to know that the 1930s Cord 810 Westchester car you see here is up on eBay right now.