Federico Babina has already given us Archicine prints featuring famous buildings from films and Archiset, in which movie plots were cleverly recreated in buildings. He's found another ingenious way to combine the two in his Archilife print series, which features film stars in famous architect-designed homes.
Category: Film and TV
New range of Doctor Who Penguin books-inspired postcards by Coleman Design now available
The first instalment of these proved to be incredibly popular when we featured them last year. So we would expect the new set of Doctor Who postcards by Coleman Design to fly off the (virtual) shelves pretty quickly too.
Star Wars R2-D2 carry-on luggage at ThinkGeek
eBay watch: 1970s James Bond Lotus Esprit submarine car
Star Wars Droid salt and pepper shakers
Hitchcock-inspired Fenêtre sur Cour print by Double Merrick
Hitchcock inspires this atmospheric new print by Double Merrick, Fenêtre Sur Cour: the French title for Rear Window.