Categories / Art and Photography, Film and TV

Richard Roberts classic film typography prints


Richard Roberts
obviously has a love of vintage cinema, producing these classic film typography prints for the Keep Calm Gallery.

Two prints available – End II and Fin II, the first being a final screen for an unknown vintage film, the second a more generic end screen for just about any classic French movie. Both are hand-pulled screen prints, limited to 100 and signed and numbered by the artist.

They retail from £26.

Find out more at the Keep Calm Gallery website

Categories / Film and TV

Darth Vader nesting dolls


One for the Star Wars die-hard, as the Darth Vader nesting dolls don’t do much apart from look pretty on a shelf.

Ok, there’s more to it than that – the dolls tell Anakin Skywalker’s story from boy to man to cyborg, by way of the Russian doll-style of fitting into each other. Or you can pull them out for three ornaments for the price of one.

Whatever you decide, you can pick a set up for $22 (around £11).

Find out more at the Fred Flare website

Categories / Film and TV

Star Wars Japanese Tenugui banners


Something uniquely Japanese, but with a distinctly retro twist – the Star Wars Tenugui banners.

Think of them as either banners or wall art, made of cotton and created individually by the traditional Japanese Nasen dying process. The themes have a Japanese twist too, with each one placing Star Wars characters in the context of that country –  R2-D2 flying near Mount Fuji and droids hanging out under the Sakura tree for example.

Each Tenugui is sized at 13.4 x 35.4 inches and sells for $19.99 (around £10).

Find out more at the ThinkGeek website

Categories / Film and TV, Gadgets and Tech

Wesco R2-D2 projection alarm clock


More Star Wars stuff? Certainly is – and what must be the 10th R2-D2 tie-in this year. Saying that, we really can’t resist the R2-D2 projection alarm clock.

Stick it by our bed and the droid will project the time onto the nearest wall (ideally a plain one), with a smaller digital reader out on the body. What else you get for your money isn’t really clear – I suspect an alarm, but there’s also mention of ‘R2-D2 sounds’, music and worryingly ‘scent’.

Saying that, it’s not going to cost much to find out what you get – it goes on sale from September for just £19.99.

Find out more at the Wesco website

Categories / Architecture, Art and Photography, Design and Interiors, Film and TV

V&A’s Cold War Modern: Design 1945-1970 exhibition

We’re giving you an early heads-up about this one, just in case you fancy a late summer break in the capital and something to do while you’re there, as the V&A’s Cold War Modern: Design 1945-1970 exhibition looks a real winner.

It’s mid-century plus, covering the era and beyond, the rise of consumerism and art and design from both east and west. Works by Alberto Giacometti, Pablo Picasso and Asger Jorn will be included in the art, while the architecture and design will include Eames, the Smithsons, Le Corbusier and Buckminster Fuller. There’s also ceramics, textiles, metalwork and print works, a look at urban projects of the era and indeed films of the period.

It runs from 25th September 2008 – 11th January 2009 – and no doubt, we’ll see  few interesting bits and pieces in the V&A Shop in conjunction with it. We’ll certainly keep you posted on those.

V&A website

Categories / Design and Interiors, Film and TV

Dr Who Tardis wardrobe

Presumably aimed at kids, I suspect this Dr Who Tardis wardrobe is more likely to be bought by adults.

Yes, pretend you’re the doctor by nipping in and out of this self-assembly canvas construction, with the added bonus of a single rail inside for your space age clobber. Make a K9 out of a waste bin and some old wire and you’ll be ready to conquer the galaxy.

Sized at 187 x 84 x 84cm when constructed, you can pick it up for £29.99.

Find out more at the Amazon website