Categories / Food and Drink

“Let Them Eat Cake” Cake Stands


There aren’t many things more civilised than taking afternoon tea with cakes presented on a tiered cake stand. The wonderfully named Let Them Eat Cake specialise in making cake stands from vintage china.

Their readymade selection includes pieces made from bright coloured crockery from the Forties, Fifties and Sixties which is just the right side of twee. Many of the designs are topped off with a cup, which allows the stands to be used for serving goodies other than cakes. Let Them Eat Cake will also make cake stands using your own old plates, giving a new lease of life to mismatched pieces.

The readymade cake stands costs between £40 and £65, with prices on application for bespoke pieces. Visit the Let Them Eat Cake website for further details.

Categories / Design and Interiors, Food and Drink, Toys and Games

Subbuteo Flick & Kick ice tray


If boredom is setting in over as the nights get longer, you could relive the gaming of your childhood with the Subbuteo Flick & Kick ice tray.

Yes, this is a Subbuteo team in ice. Just add your water, throw in the freezer and pull them out for a full team of ice footballers – plus an authentic Subbuteo goalie. Ok, the players have a little more bulk up top, but that round base still means they’re playable. Just use a frozen pea for a ball.

And of course, you can use them to cool your drinks. Pre-ordering is available now (for late November delivery), priced at £5.99.

Find out more at the Cute Gadgets website

Categories / Books, Food and Drink, Kids

The Nancy Drew Cookbook


Several generations of young girls have grown up reading the Nancy Drew Mysteries, with the heroine first appearing in the 1930s and continuing to solve new cases to this day.

"The Nancy Drew Cook: Clues to Good Cooking" is very much the 1970s incarnation of Nancy Drew as it was originally published in 1973, but reissued in 2005. The easy-to-follow recipes tie in with the most famous of Miss Drew’s cases.

It is available from Amazon for less than £5.

Categories / Food and Drink, Homeware

Hanna Mug


The Hanna Mug is designed by Hanna Werning and inspired by Swedish nature. It is available in a choice of six main colours (black, blue, green, pink, yellow and the newly added brown). Regardless of which colour you chose, the colours and pattern give the mugs a retro look.

As they don’t have a handle they probably aren’t that suitable for the usual use, namely holding a hot beverage, but they are shown in a variety of other different uses (plant pot, toothbrush holder, ice cream sundae bowl) so I’m sure you could find a place for them in your home.

They cost £7,73 each from the Scandinavian Design Center.

Categories / Food and Drink

Marimekko Keisarinkruunu Mug


Moving away from the beloved Unikko print, here is another Marimekko product. The Keisarinkruunu Mug features another print by Isola, dating back to 1966.

The yellow, grey, black and white pattern doesn’t immediately suggest the Sixties and reminded me of the designs by Peter Saville for Factory Records, which isn’t a bad thing at all.

The mug is available to buy online from Saga Living for $10 (around £6).

Categories / Food and Drink

Vintage Twin Flask


Whilst those of us in the Northern Hemisphere won’t be going on any picnics until next year, the colder months do bring bonfires, firework displays and Halloween, not to mention watching sport in the cold. So you could probably still put this Vintage Twin Flask to good use.

It dates back to the 1960s or 1970s and has a “twin airpot” vacuum flask system that allows you to carry hot and cold drinks at the same time. Alternatively, you could fill one side with tea and one side with coffee to give yourself a choice!

It costs £25 for H is for Home and comes with the original box. Visit the H is for Home website to buy.