Categories / Food and Drink, Homeware

Vintage picnic box at H is for Home


I know it doesn’t really seem like it, but it is almost summer out there. That means time for picnics, since the Famous Five weren’t wrong when they said food tastes so much better out of doors.

While you’re basking in a sunny glow, you’ll want to keep your ginger ale cool and what better way than in this fantastic vintage picnic box. From the 1960s/70s this is in great condition, it’s comprised of stacked trays and a sealable compartment with all the inside pieces still present and correct. It’s available from H is for Home at a great price of £30.

Find out more from the H is for Home website

Categories / Food and Drink, Homeware

Falcon 1092 Induction Cooker

1092deluxe_clsscrm If you are serious about cooking but still want something with a bit of retro style, then the Falcon 1092 Induction Cooker could be the answer.

It has a wealth of features for the gourmet chef, including seven oven settings and four grill settings. But just as importantly, it comes in a choice of eight finishes, including the Classic Cream pictured here and two new colour options of Cherry Red and Lime Green. The Cream and Cherry would fit with a 1950’s style, whilst the Lime would add a bold splash of 1970s colour to your kitchen.

It costs just under £4,000. Further information can be found on the Falcon Appliances website.

Categories / Food and Drink

Retro Font Mugs

P_oldtypemugsThere are so many retro mugs around at the moment that there is bound to be something that is your cup of tea, if you’ll excuse the pun.

Possibly the cheapest I’ve come across are these Retro Font Mugs, which are being sold by Pussy Home Boutique for just £3.99. There are four designs, each featuring ornate retro lettering. Take your pick from Mug, Drink Me, Love/Hate You or Tea.

Visit Pussy Home Boutique to order online.

Categories / Food and Drink

Posh Noodle – Harrods launches the luxury Pot Noodle


In 1977, Golden Wonder brought the ‘noodles in a cup’ concept to the UK in the form of the Pot Noodle. And it’s been a staple food for students and anyone short of money ever since. Until now that is.

Yes, in 2008, the Pot Noodle has become a luxury food, with Harrods launching the Posh Noodle. This is no ordinary snack – just 100 of these Poulet et Champignon-flavoured snacks will be made, each one sold in a hand-flocked and gold-leafed pot, complete with your very own fork and table linen. And despite the name, it’s said to be suitable for vegetarians.

Obviously that means a higher price tag, with this future collectable selling for £29.95 – but all proceeds will go to charity. We haven’t had a confirmed date of sale as yet.

Harrods website

Categories / Design and Interiors, Food and Drink, Homeware

La Sorrentina Atomic age coffee machine

Designed in the late 40s by Milan designer Giordano Robbiati, the La Sorrentina coffee machine has returned from the Atomic Age and is now available to buy online.

The new version of the La Sorrentina wisely keeps the original design, but mixes new materials with old-fashioned hand production and testing – claimed to last a lifetime. It can produce from two to six espresso sized ‘shots’ and quickly froth and heat milk for cappuccinos. It also works perfectly on gas and electric stoves.

All of that obviously comes at a price – $450AUS, which works out at around £203.

Find out more at the La Sorrentina website

Categories / Food and Drink

Vintage Fondue Sets

Blue_flower_fondue_ppShiny new fondue sets are easy enough to find, but for a more authentic dipping experience, you may want something with genuine 1970’s heritage. The Laundry currently have three Vintage Fondue Sets for sale in the vintage section of their website.

Picture here is the smallest and cheapest currently available, a Blue Ceramic set complete with four forks and its original box, costing £28.

The other two sets both cost £32 and have larger capacities. One is black aluminium with a geometric pattern whilst the other is the most seventies style of them all, decorated in a brown and orange floral pattern.

As they are vintage, there is just one of each available, so you need to get in there quickly if you want one for your home. Visit The Laundry to see all of the fondue sets.