Categories / Food and Drink, Gadgets and Tech, Homeware

Typhoon Classic Retro Juicer

35615Typhoon has some great kitchenware including the Capsule collection featured here recently. The latest addition to the range they call the Retro Collection is the Classic Retro Juicer, which is a product I’ve not seen in other similar ranges.

It is available in a choice of four suitably old-fashioned sounding colours; Vanilla Cream, Limousine Black, Limousine White and Buick Red. Unlike modern juicers that comprise of umpteen parts and cost a small fortune, the retro juicer is simply to use, producing orange juice with the press of a handle. Obviously it only worked with citrus fruits – if you want to make a health shake with wheatgrass, you’ll need something more advanced.

The retro juicer costs £20 from the Typhoon website.

Categories / Design and Interiors, Food and Drink, Toys and Games

Tetrice – Tetris ice cube maker


If the novelty of the Lego ice cube maker has worn off, how about the Tetrice? That’s right, this is a Tetris ice cube maker.

Just fill it up, freeze it and pull out the blocks. You’re ready to play a ‘real’ game of Tetris with a friend. Although you might need a few trays for the game to last for more than a minute – and then there’s the issue of melting.

But there is actually a more pressing issue. Tetrice was designed by Martin Zampach and right now, it is just a concept. But the designer is actively looking for a partner to put the trays into production. Is that you? Drop him a line at the website below if you’re interested.

Find out more at the Martin Zampach website

Categories / Food and Drink, Music

Elvis Presley Pez dispenser set

Pez and its assorted dispensers have been around for over 50 years – but few are as eye-catching as the ones in this Elvis Presley Pez set.

Not just one Elvis, you get three dispensers in the collector’s box – ’58 GI Elvis, ’68 Comeback Special Elvis and 1973 Aloha From Hawaii Elvis. Also thrown in are some Pez to munch on and a 3-song audio CD of Hound Dog, Follow That Dream and The Wonder Of You.

You can buy one online, priced at $23 (around £12).

Find out more at the Betty’s Attic website

Categories / eBay watch, Food and Drink, Homeware

John Clappison mugs

HornseamugsIf you’ve got an interest in retro British pottery, you will probably already be familiar with the name of John Clappison. John Clappison was appointed Chief Designer for the pottery company Hornsea in 1958 and continued to produce acclaimed pieces for them until 1987. His work is quite typical of the mid-century period and is now sought after by collectors.

Spirografica have some John Clappison mugs for sale, dating back to the 1970s which feature pictures of animals. They are selling them for £25 each.

Similar pieces do come up fairly regularly on Ebay where they do sometimes sell for a bit less depending on the design.

Categories / Food and Drink

Graham & Green Valentine’s Mugs

Fzw7486_m1Graham and Green are selling an exclusive new range of mugs, especially designed for Valentine’s Day. Whilst many Valentine-themed products are pretty awful, you wouldn’t be embarrasssed to have these mugs on your mug tree.

There are four designs available, featuring pairs of animals either birds, dogs, deer or the doves featured here. As you would expect with something aimed at the Valentine market, they do have hearts, flowers and the word “love” in their design, but they also use Sixties floral patterns and a cool retro font.

They cost £9.95 each. See the whole range on the Graham and Green website.

Categories / Food and Drink

Keller and Keller Road Side Diner Placemats and Plates


Jukeboxes and diners probably sum up the America of the 1950s better than any other images. Products featuring the latter seem to be pretty popular at the moment and in particular, road side diner photographs by Keller and Keller are currently adorning several items.

Taken at the Duluxe Town Diner in Watertown, Massachusetts, the photographs feature condiments, stools and plates, and perfectly capture the atmosphere of these essential pieces of Americana.

The Lighthouse stocks their disposable Road Side Diner Placemats, a set of 48 mats, featuring six designs.

If you like the designs, but want something longer lasting than the placemats, the same photographs are also available as plates. These can be bought for $38.85 (approximately £20) from Sprout Home