Categories / Film and TV, Food and Drink

Star Wars R2-D2 pepper mill

Not the first Star Wars-themed novelty we’ve feature and certainly not the last – but we still love this Star Wars R2-D2 pepper mill.

Standing just under five inches tall, this novelty droid has a twistable head to grind your peppercorns over your favourite food. Or failing that, you can just add it to the ever-growing collection of Star Wars novelties in the spare room.

Officially licensed and imported from Japan, it’s available to order online for $19.99, which is a very reasonable £10.

Find out more at the ThinkGeek website

Categories / Design and Interiors, Food and Drink

Piero Fornasetti ‘Teme e Variazioni’ Plates

Fornasettiplates_lgUpmarket department store Liberty are now selling Piero Fornasetti’s collection of plates entitled ‘Tema e Variazioni’.

Roughly translating as Variations on a Theme, each piece of china is decorated with an image of a beautiful 19th century woman, Lina Cavalieri that he had once seen in a magazine. So haunted was Fornasetti by her image that he created over five hundred variations on her face. Some are more straightforward depictions, others individual features and some are very much in the Surrealist mould.

Each plate costs £85 from Liberty. Expensive but these plates weren’t really designed to eat your dinner off!

Further details can be found on the Liberty website.

Categories / Food and Drink, Homeware

Ibride Art Deco Trays

PllouFrench company ibride makes a range of art deco style trays that are much too pretty to just use as serving platters, so they are being sold with the dual purpose of being suitable to display on your walls as well.

They come in a range of designs, some depicting wildlife that may stray too far into kitsch but others are decorated with portraits of women from the early 20th century.

Pictured here is the tray called Louise, which may well be a picture of the silent movie star Louise Brooks. It can be bought online from Made in Design for just over £43.

Categories / Design and Interiors, Food and Drink

The Establishment, London


Recently opened in the Parsons Green area of London, is a new bar-restaurant called The Establishment.

Whilst its food is described as “hearty British fare with a contemporary twist”, its décor is firmly rooted in the past, apparently taking its inspiration from classic British cop shows and 70s gangster films. What this translates to is a pretty stylish mixture of bold geometric print wallpaper by Wayne Hemmingway, Foscarini chandeliers and leather banquette seating that is supposed to be reminiscent of the seats in a Ford Cortina!

The Establishment also has its own dog (not sure about the hygiene issue here), a bull terrier called Buster whose portrait adorns the restaurant and the website.

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Categories / Design and Interiors, Food and Drink

Alvar Aalto Savoy Vase ice cube maker


Fancy impressing your guests with a design classic on arrival? You can with the Alvar Aalto Savoy Vase ice cube maker.

Iittala produced this in 2006, in the run-up to the 70th anniversary of the Savoy Vase. Just add water to produce your very own miniatures – and earn extra style points at the dinner party.

Yours for $15.25 (around £8).

Find out more at the Make website

Categories / Food and Drink

Nadia Sparham Cog Flower Ceramics

Nadia Sparham may be familiar as we featured her Birdie Cushion some time ago. She has recently Nadiasparhamadded ceramics to her repertoire, which have a similar retro style to her cushions. In particular, the Cog Flower Ceramics range is reminiscent of the best mid-century Scandinavian pottery designs.

Using a palette of muted orange and red, grey and browns, the flowers are childish splodgy designs that will fit in well with any retro kitchen. All of her ceramics use Uk-sourced or recycled pottery.

The range includes plates, mugs and saucers and can be bought from Hidden Art Shop where prices start at £11.95 for a cup. Alternatively, contact Nadia Sparham via her website to buy directly or commission a design from her range.