Categories / Gadgets and Tech, Music

Traditional Wooden Music Centre

How most people buy and listen to music may have moved on in recent years, but some of us are not ready to part with our vinyl collections. This Traditional Wooden Music Centre offers a good solution as it combines the best of the old and new.

It has a turntable that plays 33, 45 and 78rpm records, an AM/FM radio, a CD player and a USB port so you can plug in your new-fangled technology too. It is beautifully presented, housed in a walnut finished wooden case.

Like pretty much all of their stock, Past Times are selling it at a reduced price of £128 (previously £160).

Categories / Gadgets and Tech

Prem-I-Air Retro Style Desk Fan

41wzSNr2MdL._SL500_AA300_If you're feeling the heat at work then why not invest in a Prem-I-Air Retro Style Desk Fan to keep yourself cool?

In addition to serving the very practical purpose of keeping you chilled with three fan speed settings and smooth oscillation for wider air distribution, this fan will add a whole lot of retro credibility to your workspace. Shiny black with chrome detailing and a very satisfying knob to twiddle, it's perfect for creating a little Mad Men oasis of sophistication at your desk.

The fan head measures 15cm and the fan itself costs £39.99 from Amazon.

Categories / Design and Interiors, Gadgets and Tech, Music

Paul Smith cassette-style case for iPhone 4

Paul smith case

We've featured many products inspired by the humble tape in the past but this cassette-style case for the iPhone 4 has got to be the classiest yet – mainly because its got Paul Smith's name on the label.

Produced in collaboration with Apple, it uses a simple design of a cassette printed onto a leather case. Take a look at the label scribbled with 'Side A' and you'll see the Paul Smith name there, written out in simple type. 

As you might expect the use of the designer name adds to the price tag too: this case costs £89.95.

Buy it from the Apple Store 

Categories / Gadgets and Tech

1970s-style Detraform Model 500 space age cordless phone


A great design that's inspired by the past, but has everything the modern home telephone needs today – the Detraform Model 500 cordless telephone.

The work of Kiwi and Pim for Detraform, it's a design that might pass for a Joe Colombo piece, certainly fitting into a 1960s or '70s-inspired home with ease. The cordless DECT phone is made of anodised aluminium and polycarbonate, with a digital display that merges nicely into the design, sat just above the integrated keypad of the phone, which stands around 21cm tall.

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Categories / Art and Photography, Gadgets and Tech

Lomography introduces the La Sardina film camera range


We’re big fans of Lomo photography, so we’re always pleased to see new models – like the Lomography La Sardina film camera range.

It’s a very fishy-themed camera, based on the design of a sardine tin, as you might have guessed from the one pictured above and the three cameras featured over the page,. They go by the names of El Capitán, Fischer´s Fritze, Sea Pride and Marathon, each with their one vintage-style imagery and colour.

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Categories / Gadgets and Tech

Handmade wooden Retro TV iPad dock at Etsy


While Apple's iPad isn't particularly retro, some of the accessories made for it certainly are. Topping that list so far is the Etch A Sketch iPad case, but giving it a run for its money is this handmade wooden Retro TV iPad dock at Etsy.

A lovely piece of design that apes a vintage TV, it has been made to custom fit an iPad or iPad 2 and should look just the part if you happen to be watching iPlayer or 4OD on your tablet.Not sure how practical it would be for more general use, but who cares…its looks great. That's the main point.

Available on Etsy, $60 or £37.99 is the price.

Find out more at the Etsy website