Categories / Gadgets and Tech, Homeware

Revival Electric Kettle

We are spoilt for choice when it comes to retro kettles with great designs by the likes of Alessi and Delonghi now joined by this Revival Electric Kettle by Present Time.

It has a distinctive shape (possibly 1970s style) and combines chrome with bright coloured plastic for the handle, lid and base. Whilst the shape is decidedly retro, the kettle has the best of modern convenience in being cordless.

It is available with a choice of bright blue or lime green finishes from Our Green, priced £59. If you would prefer it in red or pink, you can buy it from No Brand via Amazon, for the same price.

Categories / Gadgets and Tech, Homeware

Mathmos Fireflow Tea-light Lava Lamp

Mathmos Fireflow Tea-light Lava Lamp is a twist on the classic lava lamp design.

It still has the iconic rocket shape, but rather than being powered by mains or battery, the lava is heated up by a simple little tea-light. It takes about 20 minutes for the lava to warm up and get moving, but one tea-light is enough to power the lamp for 3 hours. The lamp is available with a choice of blue, pink or turquoise lava in clear liquid and costs just under £30.

Buy it online from

Categories / Art and Photography, Gadgets and Tech

Andy Warhol for Incase

Everyone's favourite Pop artist is now available to add a touch of style to your favourite technology, thanks to the Andy Warhol for Incase range.

It's a range of cases, sleeves and bags for the iPhone, iPad and Mac Book featuring Warhol's artwork. The first few items of the range are based around the banana image produced for the Velvet Underground and Nico album in 1966 and his take on camouflage, with more designs to follow. The range has been authorized by the Andy Warhol Foundation who argue Warhol's fascination with technology means, if alive today, he would have been an avid fan and devourer of these products. 

With some products available now and some ready for pre-order, prices start at $49.95 for a snapcase for the iPhone 4. 

See the range online

Categories / Gadgets and Tech, Toys and Games

Atari’s Greatest Hits app – 100 classic arcade games for the iPhone and iPad


Vintage gamers rejoice – your spare time is about to be sucked up with arrive of Atari's Greatest Hits for Apple's iPhone and iPad.

Not just one or two games – there are 100 available as part of this release. The app is free to download, but you only get the framework and an introductory game of Pong for that. If you want the rest of the games, you'll have to buy in-app, four packs costing 59p or all 100 cabinet / Atari 2600 games for £8.99. For that, you get the original artwork for each game, plus an authentic cabinet to play in.

Some of the games are Bluetooth-compatible too, so you can play with your mates wirelessly (as long as they've picked up the app too). See over the page for the full list of available games, with the app and games available now from the Apple app store.

Find out more at the iTunes website

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Categories / Gadgets and Tech, Homeware

Iconic UKGL-510 TV Stand

As flat screen televisions weren’t around in the middle of the last century, it isn’t surprising that there is a limited choice of retro stands., although we have managed to find a few such as the Iconic UKGL-510 TV Stand.

The stand has all the features you need for today’s televisions, including a universal support system, cable management facility and a toughened glass shelf for your DVD player. The retro-influence comes from the walnut finish and subtle wave to the stand back.

It costs £199 and can be ordered from The Plasma Centre via Amazon.

Categories / Art and Photography, Gadgets and Tech, Music

Chh Beep Click Print by Charlotte Farmer from Found Bath

Farmer chh

This Chh Beep Click print isn't the first time Charlotte Farmer has teamed up with Found Bath – you may remember her festive Rock N Roll Christmas range. That collaboration – showing rock n roll stars alongside now redundant technology - was apparently the inspiration for this print. The redundant technology in this case is the Walkman, a desirable piece of kit in the 1980s. 

The image captures the chunky delights of the walkman, complete with the buttons that made the sounds that have given their title to the print. The print has been created using a mixture of screen-printing and embossing to create an unusual and tactile texture to the print. 

If you like the look of this, you're advised to snap it up now. It's part of a closed edition of just 10 prints. 

The print costs £95.

Buy it online