Categories / Kids

Retro rocket wallsticker

Rocket sticker

Want a look for a kid's room that's out of this world? Try this retro rocket wallsticker

The design, which is made by a company called e-glue, is straight out of the golden days of space exploration. The sticker comes in several colours: you can pick from various shades of blue, grey or chocolate. It certainly isn't a decorating look for the timid as the smaller version measures a massive 50 x 110cm! The larger version is roughly double that. 

A small sticker costs £95 with the large costing £145. 

Buy it from the Bouf website

Categories / Design and Interiors, Homeware, Kids

Darling Clementine and Ferm Living Marionette cushions


Back last year we showed you some of Darling Clementine's 70s cards and notebooks. The company has now teamed up with another Retro To Go favourite Ferm Living to introduce some of their distinctive artwork into the home with the Marionette cushions

The cushions feature four of their typically colourful characters: Frank Fox, Elle Elephant, Posy Panda and, the one with the best name, Aristo Katt. Although they are aimed at kids, I reckon a couple could sneak a few into your living room quite happily too.

The cushions cost 29.95 Euros each. 

Buy them online

Categories / Design and Interiors, Kids

Robot stickers by Lauren Moriarty


As you know, we do love a good robot on this site. And these robot stickers designed by Lauren Moriarty are a great addition to the selection we've featured. 

A reflection of the fun, graphic products she designs, each pack contains four different types of robot along with their faithful robot dog companion. The stickers are suitable to apply directly to glass or plastics and can also be used on wood or metal with a little bit of pre-treatment. 

To give an idea of size, each pack is 17.5cm high. They come in a choice of seven bright colours and, at £2.95 per pack, it's worth snapping up a few to add some Robo-style to your home.  

Buy them online

Categories / Art and Photography, Film and TV, Kids

Saturday Mornings in the 80s paper cut

Cut Out Paper 80s

Most paper cuts seem to focus on folk and whimsical imagery so this piece, titled Saturday Mornings in the 80s, makes a nice change. Full of weird and wonderful shapes, look at bit closer and you realise its made of the silhouettes of some of the Eighties best known TV characters ranging from He-Man and She-Ra to Postman Pat and Rainbow Brite.

The piece is limited to twenty and is made by laser cutting, based on a hand-drawing. It's the work of London based company Cut Out Paper who also sell a cut based on classic twentieth-century chairs, should your taste be slightly less nostalgic. 

It sells for £75 unframed or £130 framed. You can contact them to order through their website or go through their Etsy store.

Categories / Art and Photography, Kids

Littlephant prints

Littlephant pic

More fun retro-styled illustration for kids courtesy of new Swedish company, Littlephant

Camilla Lundsten is the designer behind Littlephant and her illustrations feature lively cartoon-like illustrations of animals, executed in a 1950s inspired colour scheme. The resulting images are sure to brighten up any room. 

What's even better is that they are reasonably priced at £15 each. 

Buy it from Little Baby Company

Categories / Art and Photography, Kids

Julie Fortenberry retro-styled children’s art at L’Affiche Moderne


More retro-styled artwork available at the L'Affiche Moderne online gallery – this time the child-friendly art of Julie Fortenberry.

We don' know much about the artist, aside from her being from New York and being inspired by classic children's books. Although we think this is more like those small pictures you used to find in house in the 50s and 60s (and often see in house clearance places in the modern era).

But there's no denying that they're bold, colourful and have a definite charm. Reasonably priced too – depending on your choice of size, prices start at just 20 Euros. See another image over the page.

Find out more at the L'Affiche Moderne website

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