Categories / Bags, Kids, Men's Fashion, Women's Fashion

‘Vintage…and more’ fashion fair 27 September


Another new London vintage fair event for the calendar, the 'Vintage..and more' fashion fair which is being held at the Byam Shaw College of Art, N19, this Sunday 27 September.

As well as the typical array of vintage clothing stalls, the '…and more' bit of the title refers to the fact they'll also be selling customised items of clothing and will be featuring makers who create new designs from vintage fabric. Because of this, they are promising a larger-than-usual selection of clothes for men and kids. There will also be a section devoted entirely to haberdashery. 

The fair runs from between 11am and 5pm. Entrance costs just £3 (or £2 for students) but the bargain hunting starts early as there's the opportunity to request free entrance tickets on their website. 

Find out more online

Categories / Books, Kids

Max and the Lost Note by Graham Marsh


Mod-related kids books, who'd have thought? But there is such a thing, or at least there's Max and the Lost Note by Graham Marsh.

Pitched as the kids' book that adults would read, this 32-page hardback book is the work of Graham Marsh, the man behind The Cover Art of Blue Note Records. He's still ploughing a similar furrow too, this time with Max, a sharp dresser, piano player and Vespa rider, who hangs out in Kitty's Place searching for a 'note', aided by singing group The Felines and Long Tall Dexter, Double Bass Sam, and lots more feline musicians.

So don't expect War and Peace, but if you want a hip children's read, this one is available via publisher Frances Lincoln and of course from Amazon from 1st October, priced at £10.79.

Find out more at the Amazon website

Via Modculture

Categories / Kids

Ladybird Sticking Plasters


Mugs and notebooks featuring images from Ladybird books have been around for a while now, but this latest product is something a bit more unusual – Ladybird Sticking Plasters.

The plasters are supplied in a tin decorated with a classic Ladybird cover, "Doctors and Nurses", whilst the plasters themselves feature letters from the alphabet with a picture beginning with that letter. Ideal for covering up scraped knees from playground falls!

The plasters cost £3.95 and can be bought online from Colloco.

Categories / Kids, Music

Beatles Yellow Submarine t-shirts for kids


Everywhere you turn right now, you'll see something from the Beatles – from the Beatles Rock Band game to the Beatles In Mono CD box set (and the mass of Beatles-related shows on film and TV). Children haven't been forgotten either – with Green Eyed Monster introducing a range of fully licensed Yellow Submarine t-shirts for kids.

They're very eye-catching too, with the organic jerseys coming with Beatles Pop!, Pulse! and Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds designs, along with (of course) the submarine itself.

Long and shirt-sleeved tops available, with prices around the £17 mark. Check out another of the designs over the page.

Find out more at the Green Eyed Monster website

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Categories / Kids

Robot cabinet from Barnvanligt

Robot storage

Tidying never looked so appealing as when it offered the opportunity to play with this cool Robot cabinet from Swedish company Barnvanligt. Their website is crammed full of great designs for kids. 

Though they do deliver within the EU, their website is all in Swedish. Nevertheless, armed with Google language tools, I've managed to work out that it's made from white lacquer MDF (though a light blue option is also available) and contains three separate sections, each with their own door. Fantastically, the arms are also adjustable. The obvious place for this little creature is a kid's bedroom but as it's so appealing, I quite fancy it for myself! 

See it online

Categories / Art and Photography, Design and Interiors, Kids

Keith Haring chairs by Vilac


Not just a cool bit of 80s street art for your home, the Keith Haring chairs by Vilac are aso pretty useful things to have around too.

These are actually kids' chairs, inspired by the classic 'Radiant baby' image and made of wood that's been turned, smoothed, sanded and lacquered by skilled craftsman. Essentially, it's well made and should see you or your kids right for many years.

Size is around ensions: 28.3 x 18.9 x 9.1 inches and colour options are pink, orange, yellow, green or light blue. The price is $164 in the US, sadly we've not found them as yet in the UK.

Find out more at the Unica Home website