Categories / Design and Interiors, Kids

Famille Summerbelle Count the Numbers print


This Count the Numbers print comes from Famille Summerbelle, a design duo who aim to produce attractive designs for children that won't mess with their parents aesthetic sensibilities. This one uses lovely illustrations of old fashioned sweets like bonbons and candy canes to help kids learn to count (the number of sweets increases with each illustration). 

The print is A3 sized and will cost you £20. 

See it online
Categories / Kids

“Build Your Own Main Street” Doll Houses


Swedish company Our Children’s Gorilla make charming products for children, including these vintage-inspired “Build Your Own Main Street” Doll Houses.

The sets consist of flat-packed cardboard for you (or your child) to turn into an old-fashioned American high street. At the moment there is a firestation and a brownstone design to choose from, both made from fully recyclable cardboard.

Both sets cost £30 each and can be ordered from the Our Children’s Gorilla website.

Categories / Homeware, Kids

Oeuf Mini Library


New York based designed Oeuf Crib specialize in beautiful children’s furniture that proves kid’s stuff doesn’t have to be made from brightly coloured plastic.

A good example of this is the Oeuf Mini Library which has enough retro modern style to make it a welcome addition to any home and something you’ll want to keep as your children grow up. It is features white cupboard doors with contrasting shelving in birch or walnut stain.

Sadly I’ve been unable to find any UK stockists, but the Oeuf Mini Library is available in the USA from a number of placesincluding Modern Nursery priced $620 for the birch or $650 for the walnut finish.

Categories / Design and Interiors, Kids

Lichtenstein inspired coat rack by Pakhuis Oost

Whamm coat rack

Pakhuis Oost is Dutch company specialising in designs for kids. Though there are bits and pieces online, it's quite hard to track down the full range of their products in the UK. It's a shame because they produce some great things, not least this coat rack which owes more than a passing nod to Roy Lichtenstein's Whaam!, which was itself inspired by a sixties comic. It would work for kids and adults alike, though it seems a shame it might end up covered with coats. 

If you fancy trying out your best Dutch you can order one through the Yurada website where it is currently on sale for 9.70 euros. 

See it online

Categories / Art and Photography, Kids

Arthur’s Circus Pocket Toys prints

Arthurs fisher price

Arthur's Circus is a Melbourne shop specialising in lovely vintage toys and collectables, stocking many beautiful things and their website is certainly worth looking at if you want an unusual gift for a child. They also display work by local artists and photographers and some things they make themselves, such as these Pocket Toys prints. 

Photographed by one of the shop's owners, Natalie Jeffcott, the prints feature some of the toys from their collection. There are many different combinations available. The one shown here features a selection of immaculate Fisher Price figures, but there are also images showing vintage cars or model cowboys and indians. The prints would look great on a kid's wall, or perhaps even elsewhere in the home. 

Each print costs $75 Australian Dollars, plus an additional $25 shipping to the UK making them work out at roughly £50 each. 
See more designs online

Categories / Design and Interiors, Kids, Toys and Games

Vintage Fabric Cats by Jane Foster


If you're on the look out for something cool, cute, quirky and above all, affordable, check out these Vintage Fabric Cats by Jane Foster.

As the name suggests, the bodies are made of vintage fabrics, with hand screen printed linen faces and some padding to finish things off, each one standing around 11 inches tall.

All are made to order, so you get the option to specify which pattern you want for the body from the ones currently displayed on the site. All the same price though – just £15.

Find out more at the Jane Foster website