Categories / Homeware, Kids

Retro Robot Duvet Set


Retro robots are a perennial favourite here at Retro To Go, and this Retro Robot Duvet Set joins the lists of items featuring the mechanical creations.

The bedlinen set consists of a single duvet cover and a housewife pillowcase, made from a polyester and cotton mix. The pattern is made up of robots in blue, orange, lime and black against a cream background. It costs just £15.

To complete the theme in your child’s bedroom (I’m assuming it will be reserved for children), there is also a matching retro robots metallic wall art for £10.

Visit the Next website to order.

Categories / Design and Interiors, Kids

Knu Red Ball Rocker – mid-century style rocking horse


One thing you're guaranteed from a rocking horse is that it's usually got the look of a horse about it. Unless you opt for the Red Ball Rocker.

It's a mid-century (specifically 1960s) take on the rocking chair, offering something that looks like your very own piece of modern art, which is perhaps another reason to buy it if you don't have small kids. Eco-friendly too, with all the timber used from sustainable sources.

We haven't found a UK seller as yet, but if you're in the US (or want to get one shipped over), the price is $225.

Find out more at the Knu website

Categories / Cars and Bikes, Kids

1960s Helkama Jopo bicycle for kids


A couple of weeks back, we featured the latest version of that 1960s Finnish classic, the Helkama Jopo bicycle. It looked perfect for kids, but perhaps was a little too big for the smaller ones. Which is where this new version comes in.

It's everything that its big brother was, offering a low front frame, single gear, luggage carrier, integrated lock and kickstand, plus the ability to adjust the seat and the handlebar. But this version is scaled down, with its 16-inch wheels making it perfect for that 'first bike'.

If you want one for your little one, it costs 289 Euros.

Find out more at the Finnish Design Shop website

Categories / Kids

Children’s Jelly Gift Box from Re-found Objects

Refound objects

I have yet to meet a child who doesn't like jelly, so this jelly gift box from Re-found Objects seems like an entirely sensible idea to me.

Each gift box contains a vintage half-pint jelly mould complete with jelly babies. The packaging is lovely and would definitely make a nice change from your usual plastic present.  The only decision left to make would be which flavour of jelly? 

The gift box costs £13.00 and is available from Re-found Objects
Categories / Art and Photography, Kids

My First Alphabet poster by Marcus Walters

Marcus walter

This Alphabet poster from Marcus Walters is reminiscent of the learning to read Flash cards from my childhood.

Walters is an illustrator who has worked for a heap of clients including Honda and The Guardian. He personal work is available to buy online, and at $15.00 for this poster, it's a complete bargain.

The poster is a full colour lithographic print, with letter illustrated using Walters' distinctive collage style. The post is 70cm x 50cm, and can also happy to customised to feature a child's name.

Find our more at his website
Categories / Kids

Height-o-meter from Colloco


The fantastically technical sounding 'Height-o-meter'  from Colloco is a good old fashioned height chart.

Great for reminding yourself in the future that your huge teenage offspring were once little treasures. This "un-automated height machine" comes with stickers to mark your child's height and unfolds to 84cm, it even comes with an envelope so would make a good present too.

The Height-o-meter is a mere snip at £9.30, and please note the image shown here is of the height chart folded see the full-length version at the the Colloco website