Categories / Books

Mid-Century Modern Designers book by Dominic Bradbury

Mid-Century Modern Designers book by Dominic Bradbury
Mid-Century Modern Designers book by Dominic Bradbury (image credit: Phaidon/Amazon)

If it’s anywhere near as good as his last works, the Mid-Century Modern Designers book by Dominic Bradbury will be an essential purchase. Read more

Categories / Men's Fashion, Women's Fashion

Retro reading glasses by London Mole

Retro reading glasses by London Mole
Retro reading glasses by London Mole (image credit: London Mole)

Looking for something a little more ‘vintage’  for your eyes? Check out the retro reading glasses by London Mole. Read more

Categories / Books

Mid-Century Modern Furniture book by Dominic Bradbury

Mid-Century Modern Furniture book by Dominic Bradbury
Mid-Century Modern Furniture book by Dominic Bradbury (image credit: Thames and Hudson/Amazon)

I think it’s fair to say that Mid-Century Modern Furniture book by Dominic Bradbury is at the top of my ‘wants’ list this Christmas. Read more