Categories / Architecture, Property

Retro house for sale: 1950s midcentury modern property in Michigan City, Indiana, USA

1950s midcentury modern property in Michigan City, Indiana, USA
1950s midcentury modern property in Michigan City, Indiana, USA

How does a well-preserved midcentury modern gem for £133k grab you? If it does, check out this 1950s property in Michigan City, Indiana, USA on WowHaus, which really is something. Especially for the money.

All the images and details at the WowHaus website

Categories / Architecture, Property

Retro house at auction: Midcentury-style property in Congleton, Cheshire

Midcentury-style property in Congleton, Cheshire
Midcentury-style property in Congleton, Cheshire

How does the idea of a midcentury property with butterfly roof for £179k grab you? Well this midcentury-style property in Congleton, Cheshire is up for auction with that guide price.

You can check out all the details at the WowHaus site.