It might not be easiest thing to find, but if you want that 'wow' factor in your 1950s-style home, you really need one of these stunning St Louis kitchens by Marchi.
Tag: 1950s
Retro ‘Abigail’ Ahern sofa for
Looking for a handsome retro-inspired sofa? The new Abigail sofa from scores highly on both those fronts – the Abigail, in this case, referring to the work of the designer Abigail Ahern.
eBay watch: 1950s Alfred Cox midcentury-style sideboard and bookshelf
1950s-inspired Accent Furnishing Fabrics by Prestigious
We showed you some authentically 1950s-designed textiles earlier in the week, thanks to the re-released designs of Robert Stewart, but for a 21st-century take on the look, it's worth checking out the Accent furnishing fabrics collection by Prestigious.
1950s-style Yours Truly dress from Emily & Fin
Emily & Fin use great retro patterns for their women's fashion range. Remember the Pool Party dress from earlier this year for example? This new design, the Yours Truly dress, also has a fabulous fifties look.
1950s Robert Stewart cushions and tea towels by Living Union
Want some genuine 1950s textile designs in your home? Check out the Robert Stewart cushions and tea towel range produced from Living Union.