If you haven't actually read the book of A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess and like the idea of doing so, then this new version from The Folio Society is perhaps the way to go.
Tag: book
New book: Eventually Everything Connects by Loris Lora
What do Charles and Ray Eames, Dennis Hopper and Steve McQueen have in common? Well, they all appear in Eventually Everything Connects by Loris Lora for starters, a gorgeous visual exploration of modernism in California.
So This is Permanence: Joy Division Lyrics and Notebooks
Colouring in for grown-ups: Colour Me Good Chairs by I Love Mel
Colouring books get a surprisingly strong showing on Retro To Go, from the likes of Piper Gates and I Love Mel. The latter is back with a title that's bound to appeal to design fans, Colour Me Good Chairs.
Welcome to Big Biba: Inside the Most Beautiful Store in the World by Steven Thomas and Alwyn W. Turner
Seems to be a bit of a Biba book war going on right now. We recently flagged up The Biba Years 1963 – 1975 by Barbara Hulanicki and Martin Pel, which now looks like being joined on the style shelves by Welcome to Big Biba: Inside the Most Beautiful Store in the World.
Mid-century Colouring Books by Jenn Ski
We first featured the work of the artist as far back as 2007 and occasionally ever since. Now Jenn Ski is back with something just a little bit different – these Mid-century Colouring Books.