Categories / Music

Mixtape stamp activity kit from Yellow Owl Workshop


The humble cassette compilation once more provides inspiration for designers, this time in the form of a mixtape stamp activity kit. It's made by the Yellow Owl Workshop, who you may remember from their ceramic polaroid camera. 

The kit includes a rubber stamp representing an old fashioned mixtape mounted onto a marble block. You'll also get a blue ink pad and a red pencil, ready to dedicate your print. The music, however, you'll have to provide another way. 

The stamp kit costs $19. 

Buy it online

Categories / Art and Photography

Hanna Melin’s Personalised Cassette Print

Available exclusively at Rockett St George is this Cassette Print by Hanna Melin.

It features an illustration inspired by compilation tapes we all used to make before they were replaced by CDs and downloads. The writing on the label on the tapes can be changed, so you can use the print to wish someone a happy birthday or to add your own personal message. The print measures 21cm by 30cmand costs £16.

Order online at Rockett St George.

Categories / Design and Interiors

Cassette Tape Decal + Hook at PBteen


Want to liven up your wall with a retro twist? You can with this Cassette Tape Decal + Hook at PBteen.

Not one cassette, you get a set of three decals and one metal hook – that representing the unravelled tape, if you hadn't guessed. There's another little twist too – it has a a dry-erase surface so you can add your own mix titles or notes on the surface.

When you're bored of the title you can stick up another and if you get bored of the decals, you can remove without any surface damage. Currently in the sale, it's now priced at $39, down from $79.

Find out more at the PBteen website

Categories / Design and Interiors, Music

Tape doormat from Third Drawer Down


Like the rubik's cube beanbag we featured the other day, here's another icon of the 80s that crops up repeatedly on homewares: the humble cassette, this time appearing in this tape doormat from Third Drawer Down

The doormat comes in the shape of simple blank cassette and measures a substantial 60cm across. It's probably a bit more durable than the average tape too, being made from rubber and being fully washable. 

The doormat costs AUD74. 

Buy it from Third Drawer Down

Categories / Food and Drink, Music

C60 Mug by Rod Clark

C60 mug
Nostalgic for the days of cassette tapes? Even if your choice of musical format has moved on, you can share your love with this C60 mug, designed by Rod Clark.

The design is based on the label from a 1970s BASF cassette tape which has been simply wrapped around the mug. Perfect for using alongside this cassette coaster

The mug costs £6.99

Buy it from Brighton Pod

Categories / Art and Photography, Homeware

Giant Cassette Coaster

Etsy seller BlueOrder has created this Giant Cassette Coaster/Table Mat.

It features a photograph of a cassette tape, encased with plastic to make it usable as a table mat or giant coaster. It can also be hung on the wall too, should you wish to use it as artwork instead. Similar products are also available with vinyl on a record player.

The coaster costs just under £16 from Etsy.