Cassettes are officially hip, with plenty of credible acts choosing the format to release material in 2013. That probably means the Mixtape Notebooks by Nuuna could be pretty hip gear too.
Tag: cassette
Tape recorder iPhone speaker from Urban Outfitters
It's really quite ridiculous but it's hard to resist the appeal of this tape recorder iPhone speaker, available from Urban Outfitters.
Musicality Mugs by Betsy Benn
Betsy Benn has made some moves towards our music collection before – you may remember her personalised playlist print. Her new musicality mugs continue along the same solid track.
Mixed Tape wallpaper at Rebel Walls
C60 Print by Rod Clark from CultureLabel
Pay homage to the power of a mixtape with this C60 Print by Rod Clark, available from the newly relaunched CultureLabel.
Cassette Tape Music Posters by Naxart
If you have fond memories of tapes threes might appeal, but perhaps the biggest appeal of these Cassette Tape Music Posters by Naxart is that they look so good.