We featured this a while back and mentioned that it should be arriving fairly soon. Well, that has turned out to be the case, with the UO X Crosley Sterling record player now available to buy in the UK.
Tag: Crosley
Vintage sounds: UO X Crosley Sterling record player with legs
Crosley Revolution Portable Turntable returns in colourful shades
Once upon a time, there was a very compact portable record player called the Sound Burger, which became a must-have (and expensive) item for anyone who loved digging out and testing old vinyl in charity shops. Then it returned as the more affordable Crosley Revolution Portable Turntable and now it is back in a selection of colourful finishes.
Crosley Cruiser portable record player gets a polka dot finish
If you liked the look of this thing when we featured it last year but didn't like the colour, you might prefer the Crosley Cruiser portable record player in the new polka dot finish.
Crosley Keepsake record player gets a Ruby Floral makeover
It got floral in blue at the back end of last year, but now you can get the Crosley Keepsake record player in a rather bold Ruby Floral finish.