We wrote about the similar Areaware Alarm Dock by the same designer a year or so back, but we didn't know you could also get the iPhone Radio Dock by Jonas Damon. In fact, you can get it in the UK now.
Tag: Dock
Retro-style iPhone Radio Dock by Areaware
If you like the idea of a vintage radio, but can't see your way to losing your modern-day technology, this retro-style Radio Dock by Areaware could be a nice compromise.
Crosley Stereoluxe audio system and iPod dock
Handmade wooden Retro TV iPad dock at Etsy
While Apple's iPad isn't particularly retro, some of the accessories made for it certainly are. Topping that list so far is the Etch A Sketch iPad case, but giving it a run for its money is this handmade wooden Retro TV iPad dock at Etsy.
A lovely piece of design that apes a vintage TV, it has been made to custom fit an iPad or iPad 2 and should look just the part if you happen to be watching iPlayer or 4OD on your tablet.Not sure how practical it would be for more general use, but who cares…its looks great. That's the main point.
Available on Etsy, $60 or ÂŁ37.99 is the price.
Rock Dock – Nintendo NES iPhone/iPod dock
Etsy is always rich pickings for something interesting and creative, with this Rock Dock being a typical example.
It's just one example from the range of GeekUnique, which also includes quirky docks made from old kit by Atari, Sony and of course, Nintendo, throughout the years. This is of course a dock made from an 80s Nintendo NES controller, simply connect the included USB cable to your computer to charge and sync any iPhone or iPod (excluding the iPod Shuffle).
Cheap enough at a price of $34.99.
Find out more at the GeekUnique Etsy website
Via Pocket Lint