We haven’t featured one of these in a while, so this fully restored Nissan Figaro on eBay is well worth talking about. Read more
We haven’t featured one of these in a while, so this fully restored Nissan Figaro on eBay is well worth talking about. Read more
Rarely seen for sale in the UK, this Nissan Pao also has the benefit of a low bid price and no reserve. Read more
We haven’t featured one of these for a while and during that time, it looks like prices have crept up. Although saying that, this is a wonderful example of a Nissan Figaro. Read more
I feel sorry for the Nissan Pao. When people talk about retro Japanese cars, it's always the Nissan Figaro that gets a mention. But the Pao, also made by Nissan and designed by Shoji Takahashi, has much to offer too.
Despite talking about it as far back as 2006, we haven't really featured the Nissan Pao much on the site. Until now that is, as one has just come up on eBay.
The Pao is generally referred to as a 'retro wagon', a fairly roomy vehicle that was launched in Japan around the same time as the equally retro Nissan Figaro. However, unlike the Figaro, not many of these have been imported to the UK, so they are far less common.