Yes, it does product some amazing gaming consoles like the recently-reissued NES and SNES, as well as the Gameboy. But unexpectedly, Nintendo has also inspired some nifty home design pieces too. Read more
Not just protection the Wanle Gameboy-inspired case for iPhone actually lets you play those old school games on the go too. Read more
I've lost count of the number of Tetris related items we've featured that are available to buy for your home. And yet, as in the case with Tetrad – Tetris-styled shelving – designers are still coming up with more.
The designers behind Tetrad are New York's Brave Space. The shelving comes as a 10 block set. Each block made in the familiar shape of the building blocks, with wooden sides and a white metal backing. That's where the fun begins: you can attach the blocks to each other, to the wall or put them up individually. You can devise your own point score for the most artistic arrangement.
With delivery in the US only and a price tag of $2630, I suspect our homes won't been overrun by Tetris block just yet.
Buy it through Supermarket