Categories / Outdoor spaces

Copacabana 1950s-style outdoor seating at Maisons Du Monde

Copacabana 1950s-style outdoor seating at Maisons Du Monde
Copacabana 1950s-style outdoor seating at Maisons Du Monde

I don’t want to speak too soon, but I suspect spring has finally sprung and it’s to think outdoors. If you want some new seating, do check out the Copacabana 1950s-style outdoor seating at Maisons Du Monde. Read more

Categories / Outdoor spaces

Retro-style Salsa outdoor chairs return to John Lewis

Retro-style Salsa outdoor chairs return to John Lewis
Retro-style Salsa outdoor chairs return to John Lewis

We did actually mention these last year, but we are talking about the Salsa outdoor chairs at John Lewis once more because they are back and in new colours. Read more

Categories / Outdoor spaces

MissPrint Sapling picnic hamper at John Lewis

MissPrint Sapling picnic hamper at John Lewis
MissPrint Sapling picnic hamper at John Lewis

We did feature some of the picnicware from MissPrint last year, so do check that out if you can. But this MissPrint Sapling picnic hamper at John Lewis is a new addition to the range. Read more