A lot of choice when it comes to buying these kind of things at the moment, with the ION Audio Vinyl Motion Deluxe portable record player adding to it with a variety of colours. Read more
A lot of choice when it comes to buying these kind of things at the moment, with the ION Audio Vinyl Motion Deluxe portable record player adding to it with a variety of colours. Read more
If you thought converting your old vinyl and cassettes to MP3 was a pain, it might be easier than you think with the Ion Duo Deck.
Originally an April Fool's Day joke by ThinkGeek, the company has actually turned it full circle and produced a working model of the iCade. Best of all – it's soon going to be available to buy very soon.
As you might have guessed, it's a vintage-style arcade cabinet for your Apple iPad. Produced in conjunction with Ion and Atari, the iCade uses Bluetooth to communicate with the iPad, transferring classic arcade games (like Asteroids for example) to your iPad screen, arcade controls giving you a genuine arcade experience. The APU is going to be released too, allowing any Apple developer to create iCade-compatible games.
Lokk out for it from April (for real this time), priced at $99.99.
Find out more at the ThinkGeek website
Via Uncrate