Categories / Design and Interiors, Food and Drink

Purnukka jar – 1950s storage

Here's a subtle piece of retro style, the Purnukka jar.

Manufactured by Iittala, though they look pretty timeless, these ceramic jars were actually designed by Kaj Franck back in 1953 and remained in production until 1975. They're now back in a tantalising range of colours and with just a slight tweak to the original design: they've been changed so they are better at stacking. Available in either 60mm or 120mm sizing, they're guaranteed to keep looking good for many more decades to come. 

The jars are priced at £16 for smaller size and £19 for the larger jar. 

Buy them from TwentyTwentyOne

Categories / Design and Interiors

Pin Up Posy Jar by Cosima Sempill


Looking for a wedding gift? Well, any vintage loving bride-to-be is sure to love the Pin Up Posy Jar from Cosima Sempill.

Cosima looks back to the Fifties as the influence for her ceramics range and this piece is certainly no different. The jar features an image of a pin up girl, dressed in a cheeky combination of her bridal veil and lingerie. 

Pretty and playful, the jar costs £22. 

Buy it from Papa Stour