There's a nostalgic feel running through Jigsaw's Spring homeware range, as typified by this London postcard cushion.
Looking like it's been inspired by a vintage souvenir scarf, it's decorated with black and white vignettes of some of London's most famous buildings, such as Tower Bridge and Buckingham Palace.
The favourite toys of each decade from in 1940 to 1970 are commemorated in a series of “Toy Box Memories” Jigsaws.
Each thousand-piece jigsaw has a collection of that decades most popular games and toys. As well as offering a nostalgic reminder of childhood, the toys offer an interesting of reflection of their respective period. The Forties have plenty of war-related games, the Fifties are inspired by the television including games based on Dixon of Dock Green and Take Your Pick and the Sixties reflect obsessions with space, fashion and spies. The Seventies jigsaw features the toys I remember best, which includes Paddington Bear, Emu and a Starsky and Hutch game.
All of the jigsaws cost £14.99 and are available from Strawberry Fool.
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