Categories / Crafting and Textiles, Design and Interiors

1950s Lucienne Day cushions and textiles return to John Lewis

1950s Lucienne Day cushions and textiles return to John Lewis
1950s Lucienne Day cushions and textiles return to John Lewis

There’s likely to be some serious demand for these 1950s Lucienne Day cushions and textiles as they return to the shelves of John Lewis. Read more

Categories / Design and Interiors

Retro bedroom: Scion Sula bedding at John Lewis

Retro bedroom: Scion Sula bedding at John Lewis
Retro bedroom: Scion Sula bedding at John Lewis

We do love the Scion range, whether it’s the wallpaper, the rugs or in this case, the textiles. Do check out archive, there are plenty of designs featured, but not the Scion Sula bedding at John Lewis. Read more

Categories / Outdoor spaces

MissPrint Sapling picnic hamper at John Lewis

MissPrint Sapling picnic hamper at John Lewis
MissPrint Sapling picnic hamper at John Lewis

We did feature some of the picnicware from MissPrint last year, so do check that out if you can. But this MissPrint Sapling picnic hamper at John Lewis is a new addition to the range. Read more