If you grew up in Wales in the 1960s and 1970s, you will probably be familiar with the characters adorning these Sali Mali mugs.
Tag: kids
Mama Lally Vintage School Chairs
eBay watch: Full-size replica Postman Pat post van with electric power
This is one of the maddest things we've seen on eBay in a long time. Someone has made a full-size Postman Pat post van with electric power – and now they are selling it.
Stella McCartney Sgt. Pepper-style sweater for kids
No prizes for guessing where the inspiration came from for the Stella McCartney Snoops cashmere military jumper.
D.E.S.I.G.N by Ewa Solarz
Let’s Go To Outer Space print by Ingela P Arrhenius
We have featured the work of Ingela P Arrhenius on these pages quite a lot, most recently with the midcentury-style porcelain mugs at Hus & Hem. But we're focusing on her art today, with this Let’s Go To Outer Space print.