Categories / Design and Interiors

B-side by Taybles: The cassette tape coffee table gets affordable

B-side by Taybles: The cassette tape coffee table gets affordable
B-side by Taybles: The cassette tape coffee table gets affordable

Good news if you liked these when we mentioned them last yearB-side by Taybles is making the cassette tape coffee table more affordable. Read more

Categories / Design and Interiors, Gadgets and Tech, Music

Paul Smith cassette-style case for iPhone 4

Paul smith case

We've featured many products inspired by the humble tape in the past but this cassette-style case for the iPhone 4 has got to be the classiest yet – mainly because its got Paul Smith's name on the label.

Produced in collaboration with Apple, it uses a simple design of a cassette printed onto a leather case. Take a look at the label scribbled with 'Side A' and you'll see the Paul Smith name there, written out in simple type. 

As you might expect the use of the designer name adds to the price tag too: this case costs ÂŁ89.95.

Buy it from the Apple Store 

Categories / Music

Mixtape stamp activity kit from Yellow Owl Workshop


The humble cassette compilation once more provides inspiration for designers, this time in the form of a mixtape stamp activity kit. It's made by the Yellow Owl Workshop, who you may remember from their ceramic polaroid camera. 

The kit includes a rubber stamp representing an old fashioned mixtape mounted onto a marble block. You'll also get a blue ink pad and a red pencil, ready to dedicate your print. The music, however, you'll have to provide another way. 

The stamp kit costs $19. 

Buy it online