Your average Blake print is never cheap, but this Sir Peter Blake W is for Wrestler limited edition screenprint is definitely on the more affordable side.
Tag: pop art
Nostalgic pop art wallpaper by Mr Perswall
You aren't going to do a full room in this, but for a feature wall, the Nostalgic pop art wallpaper by Mr Perswall will be spectacular.
Coming soon: Pop Art Design exhibition at the Barbican in London
Studio 65, Leonardo, Sofa. Manufactured by Gufram, 1969 . Collection Vitra Design Museum © Studio 65. Photo: Andreas Sütterlin.
If you are wondering what you will do once the Roy Lichtenstein exhibition leaves town, you'll be pleased to know that Pop Art Design at the Barbican will be heading in not long after.
Andy Warhol Brillo Box Pouf by Quinze and Milan
First re-invented as pop art back in 1964, the Brill Box has been invented once more, this time as a piece of design for the home, courtesy of the Andy Warhol Brillo Box Pouf by Quinze and Milan.
Tate Store offers Roy Lichtenstein pop art cushion covers
Where there's an exhibition, there is a merchandising opportunity. So it's no surprise to see the current Roy Lichtenstein: A Retrospective at the Tate Modern exhibition being matched with a pretty cool set of related products, including these Roy Lichtenstein pop art cushion covers.
Andy Warhol’s Velvet Underground Cufflinks & Tie Pin Set
Fans of the 60s pop artist Andy Warhol will be pleased to see his iconic banana available as a matching Cufflinks & Tie Pin Set.