Categories / Cars and Bikes, Homeware

Get a Smeg 500 in red: Fiat 500 fridge now available in the UK

We spotted these last year and immediately wanted one. At least, when our kitchen and bank balance permitted. If you are in better shape than we are, you might want to know that the Smeg 500 in red is now available to order in the UK.

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Categories / Women's Fashion

Pleated Skirt Dress from ASOS


Much of the current sixties influenced pieces available this past few seasons have relied on a fairly narrow definition of the era's style. Branching out from patterned shift dresses is this Pleated Skirt Dress from ASOS, providing something less seen in high street prices.

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Categories / Women's Fashion

Frog Clasp Gloves from Pinup Girl Clothing


For many of us, gloves are one of those few strictly practical accessories, rummaged out from the back of the wardrobe when the colder months set in. With the right pair, however, you can instantly transform an outfit to a high end retro glamour.

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