Categories / eBay watch

eBay watch: Large 1960s Glo floor lamp


As a rule, we only tend to feature eBay items with a relatively low starting price, unless the item is particularly distinctive. We're classing this large 1960s Glo floor lamp as one of those exceptions.

It's a wonderful space age design, probably from the 60s, but possibly sneaking into the early 1970s. According to the seller, it was designed by 'H.TH.J.A. Busquet for Hala, Zeist, Netherlands', with the label still on the lamp.

Standing around 90cm tall, the ball rests on a lacquered steel tube stand, with all the electrics said to have been checked and in 'perfect working order'. Condition is apparently 'wonderful' too. £339 is the price – not cheap, but we don't think you'll see another for some time.

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Categories / eBay watch

eBay watch: 1970s modernist wall clock


Very distinctive and very much of its era – this 1970s modernist wall clock.

Produced by the London Clock Company, it has a futuristic 1970s look, aided by a face that's 'industrial brushed' plated sheet metal, with cube markers made of matt black plastic. There's also a German mechanism inside to keep it ticking over (alongside a single battery).

The seller claims it is in 'excellent condition' and 'good accurate working order', although the bottom left hand corner has a 'tiny impact dent' that is 'barely visible at all'. Fancy it? Bidding stands at £12.95.

Find out more at the eBay website