Categories / Architecture, Homeware

Umbra Fishcondo – modernist house-shaped fish bowl discounted once more at Achica


Regular readers will remember that we featured the Umbra Fishcondo when it was discounted at Achica just after Christmas. Well, Achica has just started another Umbra sale for the next day or so – and the Fishcondo is discounted once more.

As we mentioned back then, this is a modernist-style house for your fish, designed by Teddy Luong and with the option to add other floors by simply buying an extra one. The inner glass bowl is removable for cleaning, with the outer shell made of durable ABS plastic.

Achica has it discounted until the end of tomorrow, down from £49 to £25. Note that you’ll have to sign up to view (and buy from) Achica, but that’s free and very quick if you’ve not done it before. Fish, of course, are extra.

Achica website