Don’t go shopping around for it anywhere else, as this Mary Quant 1960s-style tote bag at the V&A Shop is an exclusive. Read more
Don’t go shopping around for it anywhere else, as this Mary Quant 1960s-style tote bag at the V&A Shop is an exclusive. Read more
If you'd like a book to look through over Christmas, Lesley Jackson's Modern British Furniture: Design Since 1945 should keep you happily occupied – there are 320 pages of it!
Films, fashion, Sci-Fi and, most importantly, the music – they all get a look-in as part of Alwyn W. Turner's new book Glam Rock: Dandies in the Underworld.
Ok, we can't put this off any longer. It's nearly November and as such, we are approaching the run up to the festive season. So we're kicking off the Christmas finds with these rather cool vintage-style Harper's Bazaar Christmas cards at the V&A.
It dates to the 1960s but this Keep Your Dog on a Lead print from the V&A Shop has got timeless appeal in addition to its timeless message.