Categories / Gadgets and Tech, Toys and Games

Henry desk vac from Joy

This Henry desk vac from Joy, is the ultimate office accessory, likely to send both male and femalecoleagues into a jealous rage.

The Henry is the ultimate household machine of the 1980s and has now become a collectors item to fans who seek out different coloured and speciality Henry's from the past.

Instead of locking his happy little face away in a cupboard, you can now keep him on display at work. Buy for £15 from Joy.

Categories / Design and Interiors, Food and Drink, Homeware

1970s Stelton Press Coffee Maker by Erik Magnussen


The Stelton Vacuum Jug is a design classic that has featured before on these pages. But that 1977 gem has been reworked, returning as the Stelton Press Coffee Maker.

Using the original design developed by Erik Magnussen from his classic Vacuum Jug, the Press Coffee Maker has all the same design features, but rather than just keeping things hot/cold, it instead brews up to eight cups of coffee at a time. Although it does retain that 'keep warm' function thanks to the double walls.

Available in black, red and white, the Press Coffee Maker comes complete with a measuring spoon and instructions. You can buy one now for just £39.95.

Find out more at the Utility website