Categories / Design and Interiors, eBay watch, Toys and Games

eBay watch: Lundby midcentury-style dolls houses and furniture


Big thanks to Sonia for inspiring today's eBay watch, although her collection of Lundby midcentury-style dolls houses and furniture could easily have fit into our Retro Rooms section.

Sonia has been buying 1960s and 1070s Lundby pieces off eBay of late, Swedish designs that replicate Scandinavian living of the time in minute detail – right down to the avocado bath suites, working light systems and illuminated period TVs and fish tanks.

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Categories / Toys and Games

Lego Walkie Talkie set


Mobile phone a bit too 'new school' for you? The invest in something with a more retro feel – the Lego Walkie Talkie set.

Ok, there are limitations – you'll not be taken seriously in the boardroom for a start and of course, the 3,000ft range isn't going to be ideal when you need to make a long distance call. But or a bit of fun, you can't beat them.

In terms of features, both have volume controls, push-to-talk functions, a rear clip and that eye-catching Lego front. Powered by a couple of batteries, they sell for $28 from the US-version of Urban Outfitters, which now ships worldwide.

Find out more at the Urban Outfitters website

Categories / Art and Photography, Toys and Games

1966 World Cup artwork from Wall Envy


It's pretty hard to escape the rash of football inspired products at the moment. Here's an original piece of artwork that looks back to the 1966 World Cup, made by Wall Envy.

Wall Envy are the people behind the vintage French wall art we featured a while back. It uses the same idea: the words in this case being the names of the players in the 66 England World Cup squad. Like the other piece of artwork, the names are also illustrated onto a page from an old dictionary. However, in this piece – to help you recall that long forgotten taste of victory – the dictionary used is German. 

The piece costs £13. 

Buy it from Folksy

Categories / Art and Photography, Design and Interiors, Toys and Games

The Beautiful Game: Vintage Subbuteo screenprints by Ryan Tym


It's a World Cup year if you didn't know, so to celebrate this fact, designer Ryan Tym has produced these stunning Vintage Subbuteo screenprints, printed on genuine vintage Subbuteo pitches.

Yes, take your pick of a 1960s, 70s, 80s or 90s pitch (a 60s version pictured above), each hand screenprinted with everything you need to get a game of table football going, as well as the full details of the South Africa World Cup.

A real collector's piece and sold in very limited numbers. If you want one, prices start at £20 for pitches in slghtly poorer condition, rising to £40 for better condition pitches.

Find out more at the Ryan Tym website

Categories / Toys and Games

Lego Space Shuttle comes packed with 80s nostalgia


The NASA Space Shuttle project is only now coming to an end, but the design of the space plane is still very much an 80s icon – an icon you can have in your home if you invest in the Lego Space Shuttle.

Yes, that's right, this is the Lego version of a 20th century classic. Which obviously means you'll have to make it yourself. Not easy when it means clicking togehter 1,204 pieces to build the 17.5-inch model, which also boasts a 10-inch wingspan. But once you have made it, you'll be able to impress (or scare) your friends with the launch pad, detachable fuel tank, booster rockets, robot arm, retractable landing gear, opening cockpit with two mini astronauts (male and female), opening cargo compartment, satellite, and ground vehicle.

$100 is the US price. No word on a UK price as yet I'm afraid.

Lego website

Via Gizmodo

Categories / Art and Photography, Toys and Games

The Cube Fontaine by Claire Fontaine


Paris-based Claire Fontaine is a contemporary artist whose work intentionally looks like someone else's or indeed something else. I think we all know where The Cube Fontaine takes its inspiration.

Available at Colette, this is obviously a Rubiks Cube, but with a hip artistic twist. That being the colour, with the six colourful side replaced by 'views of the surface of the sea', which is said to mix 'the solid of the cube and the liquid of water while discreetly evoking ecological disasters that surround us'.

If that's a bit deep for you, let's just say an 80s icon has now been thrown into the contemporary world of art and available to you for 32 Euros online.

Find out more at the Colette website