Categories / Homeware, Toys and Games

Lego Lights Torch


Yes, it's more Lego, but the Lego Lights Torch does at least perform a very practical function.

But let's look at the fun bit first. This is a 19cm-tall Lego man, officially licensed and posable, so you can use him as an ornament or desktop buddy. But when the darkness falls, that in-house companion lights up with a touch of the logo, shining LED Light through one of its feet, enough to see you through a fusebox emergency for sure.

Powered by 3x AAA batteries, the Lego Lights Torch sells for £14.99.

Find out more at the Firebox website

Categories / Kids, Toys and Games

Retro arcade game baby grow


Pac-man seems to gets everywhere, from seating to a carpet and even a washing-up sponge. Well, now you can inflict the gaming classic on your kids with the retro game arcade baby grow.

It's a simple but instantly recognisable design and comes from the range of The Green Apple, a company who specialize in eco-friendly and ethically sourced products. This baby grow is made from organic cotton, so the kid has got some twenty-first century green credentials as well as the 80s look.

The babygrow costs £19.

Buy it from Bouf

Categories / Toys and Games

Atomix 1960s office toy by Francois Dallegret


Remember the days before the internet? No, we can't either, but take our word for it, time wasting was still rife for executives, with gadgets like the Atomix office toy by Francois Dallegret.

It was originally made in 1966 as a teaching tool for physics classes – 6,000 ball bearings fitting perfectly together like atoms to create complex structures and weird patterns when shaken or tilted.

It's back in slightly reformed style today via Areaware, an acrylic casing holding those steel balls. Price? That's £53.

Find out more at the Panik Design website

Categories / Homeware, Toys and Games

Retro arcade sponge at Urban Outfitters

Pac-man sponge

Most people will probably be thankful for anything that makes the chore of washing-up more exciting. For those who have moved from gaming into domesticity, this retro arcade sponge from Urban Outfitters might liven up your task a bit. 

The sponge is in the instantly recognisable shape and colour of arcade favourite Pac-Man. As it says on the packaging, use it to munch your way through the dirty dishes. 

If you're feeling creative, you could get cutting at your own sponges and recreate the look. For those who prefer someone else to do the dirty work, it costs £6.

Buy it online

Categories / Film and TV, Toys and Games

Mattel launches Barbie Mad Men collector’s dolls


Not content with taking on the 1980s, Mattel's Barbie range is now taking aim at the 1960s with the Barbie Mad Men collector's dolls.

Yes, we're going back to 1963 with the cult TV show and key characters from the Sterling Cooper Advertising Agency – creative director Don Draper, his wife Betty Draper, Sterling Cooper partner Roger Sterling and office manager Joan Holloway. All, of course, come with the fashion and accessories of the day, with the dolls made of 'Silkstone', a porcelain-like material.

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Categories / Men's Fashion, Sportswear, Toys and Games

Adidas reissues 1980s ZX 500 running shoes; throws in an 80-style ZX Runner computer game


Interesting sales pitch from Adidas, reissuing the mid-80s ZX 500 running shoes and sweetening the deal further with an exclusive Adidas computer game that could have come from the same era.

But let's look at the footwear first, a variation on what's described as a 'bio-mechanically correct, high mileage running shoe', complete with rubber outsole studs that grip soft ground, but 'retreat' for harder surfaces. Those studs get a colour makeover too, as does the cushioned sole, in contrast to the predominantly black upper. Oh yes – there's that game too.

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