Categories / Design and Interiors, Toys and Games

Revolution Iqube

Revolution Iqube

Looking for a stocking filler for the revolutionary in your life? How about keeping them quiet for a couple of hours with the Revolution Iqube game?

The game is made from four perspex cubes covered with a retro Chinese propaganda poster. The aim is to have all cubes side-by-side, showing the same image on each cube on all four of the long four sides. It's a good job that the poster used is pretty striking as, with apparently 40,000 different combinations and only one solution, you'll likely be looking at them for a fairly long time. 

For £10 it certainly makes a change from the challenges of the Rubik's cube. 

Buy it from Cox and Cox

Categories / Design and Interiors, Toys and Games

Lego wallets from ColorbyNumbers

Lego wallets

All in all, it's just another brick in the wall(et) … yes, Lego continues to inspire designers to produce new, fun products like these Lego wallets by ColorbyNumbers

The wallet pictured is made from the brightly coloured bricks, stuck together and mounted on a fairly substantially (6.6 by 9.5cm) sized wallet. I especially like the single brick covering the zip pull. As they are handmade, the design will vary from wallet to wallet. This piece of childish fun costs £20. Or, if the fact the bricks are stuck together stifles your creativity, you may be interested in the wallets they sell that are just covered with the baseplates: you can then decorate them with your own bricks and creations. 

Alternatively, steal your kid's bricks, buy some glue and have a go at making your own…

Buy them from ColorbyNumbers

Categories / Toys and Games

Quintuplets Paper Doll Books


We have featured several paper dolls in the past, but these Quintuplets Paper Doll Books possibly have the most interesting background story.

There are five books available, each being based on one of the Dionne quintuplets, who were the first set of quintuplets known to survive beyond infancy. Born in 1934 in Ontario, Canada, the girls were taken away from their parents and exploited by the Government as a tourist attraction. The paper dolls books were part of the merchandise being originally printed in 1940 with each girl, Marie, Yvonne, Emilie, Annette and Cecile having her own wardrobe of clothes.

These reprints are now available to buy from Labour and Wait for £7 each.

Categories / Architecture, Kids, Toys and Games

Vintage Toy Beauty Set at Acorn & Will


Christmas is now officially on its way and stocking fillers are urgently being sought at homes up and down the land. This Vintage Toy Beauty Set from online company Acorn & Will is part of a great range of stocking fillers that won't break the bank but will delight little ones on Christmas morning.

The set is on its original card with a little mirror adorned with a love heart and flowers, plus two little combs – perfect for preening and grooming however old you are.

The set is priced at £4.95 and is available from Acorn & Will.
Categories / Toys and Games

Wooden Firemen Skittles by Berry Red


No need for plastic this Christmas when there is such a great selection of wooden toys out there in webland. This classic Wooden Firemen Skittle set from Berry Red is a lovely self-contained toy that will appeal to a wide range of ages.

The toy is made in France by a traditional toymakers who are renowned for the quality of their workmanship. The seven skittles fit into the pull-along fire engine and the set includes a wooden ball. The skittles have a hard laquered finish so they can be played with for generations to come.

Buy them online for £40 at Berry Red.
Categories / Cars and Bikes, Toys and Games

Haynes x Airfix classic car model kits


We would say these are great for kids, but let's be honest, it's the adults who are likely to be buying and completing these Haynes x Airfix classic car model kits.

Haynes and Airfix have collaborated to produce a range of four classic model car sets – the E-Type Jaguar, MGB Roadster, Triumph TR4 and our favourite, the Ford Escort MK1, which is pictured above.

The models are 1:32 scale and come complete with paint, instructions (in the style of a Haynes manual) and everything you need to build the mini replicas of classic British motor cars. You can buy them online, priced at £14.95.

Find out more at the Horsfall and Wright website