Categories / Toys and Games

Sindy in the sixties at the Museum of Childhood

Sindy in the Sixties

Sindy, the British alternative to the Barbie doll, was launched in 1963 and her role in the 'Swinging London' of the period is celebrated in the display Sindy in the Sixties, taking place at the Museum of Childhood, Bethnal Green, London. 

It's only a small display – taking just one case – but it's filled with over 70 objects including original 60s dolls featuring boyfriend Paul and friends Mitzi and Vicki as well as Sindy herself. There's also furniture, outfits from her extensive wardrobe and accessories. If you are a Sindy fan and in the area, it's well worth popping in. The display is on until 18 January. 

Find out more online

Categories / Cars and Bikes, Toys and Games

Haynes Build Your Own VW Transporter Kit


For those who can't quite afford the real deal, this Build Your Own VW Transporter kit could be the next best thing.

The kit includes all the parts with a fully detailed engine and a glossy red and cream metal body shell.  It's quite a diddy model coming in at 16cm long, so unfortunately won't be able to carry any surfboards, but then you won't get stuck in any traffic jams either.

The kit is suitable for age 3+ and is priced at £14.95, buy it at Colloco.
Categories / Toys and Games

1960s Gonk toys remade by Beas Beastlies – in very limited numbers


There were plenty of variations of the Gonk in the 1960s, but the Beas Beastliies Gonk is something very special, it's based on the Gonks from the cult classic Gonks Go Beat movie.

They're also being offered in very limited numbers, each one handmade in London using vintage fabrics (which makes them unique) and only available from What the Butler Wore 131 Lower Marsh, Waterloo, London – so you'll need to pencil in some time to get down there if  you want one of these beauties in time for the festive season.

The one thing we don't know is the price, you'll need to drop WTBW a line or give them a call to find that out (and to reserve one if you're planning on travelling any distance).  See another image over the page.

What The Butler Wore website

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Categories / eBay watch, Gadgets and Tech, Toys and Games

eBay watch: Pong Clock by Buro Vormkrijgers


Thanks to Andrew for flagging up a rare sighting online – of a Pong Clock by Buro Vormkrijgers, currently being auctioned on eBay.

As you can see, this is a clock based on the classic Pong arcade game. Only 400 were produced by Buro Vormkrijgers, all numbered and signed by the maker, all showing the time on the scoreboard – left player shows the hours, right shows the minutes.

Soon after the first batch were made, Atari (which owns the copyright) stepped in to stop further production, so the 400 made will be the only 400 in existence. Which makes this a real collector's piece. The one on offer now is 180/400 and is up on a 'buy it now' for £699.99. Not cheap, but as something unlikely to be made again, possibly a shrewd investment.

Full details on the eBay website

Categories / Kids, Toys and Games

Marbel Classic Rocking Horse at Heals

Rocking horses are one of those uncomplicated toys that all kids love until they can't fit on them anymore. Although this classic Marbel rocking horse from Heals is not the cheapest present you could buy this Christmas, in terms of the amount of fun it would give over the years it definitely offers value for money.

Destined to become an heir-loom, the horse is made from sustainably sourced wood, and has a lovely simple design.

The Marbel is priced at £190 and can be bought online from Heals.

Categories / Christmas, Kids, Toys and Games

My Monopoly Personalised Board Game


For any board game fan, a personalised version of the classic Monopoly board game is sure to be a big hit.

The personalised boards are made to order featuring the places, spaces and icons of your choice. So instead of Fenchurch St and Mayfair, you can feature addresses that relate to your life and key places that have significance. 

The game costs £79.95, simply order online through a 6 step process on the Firebox website by 23rd November and you can be happily playing your own personal game this Christmas.

Order online at Firebox.