Categories / Homeware, Toys and Games

Lego Minifigure kitchen scales


Yes, more Lego-related merchandise, this time the Lego Minifigure kitchen scales, which are actually part of a larger Lego kitchen range.

Novelty with practicality, these 17cm tall scales will amuse your mates but do a decent job of weighing just about anything in kilograms and ounces using the 15cm-wide tray.

The rest of the range includes everything from cookie cutters and salt and pepper shakers through to cutlery and storage jars. If you want the scales, they'll set you back £17.59.

Find out more at the Lego website

Via Pocket Lint

Categories / Books, Toys and Games

Penguin Bookchase board game at Art Meets Matter


Love old books? Love classic board games? Well, the Penguin Bookchase board game should be on your Christmas list.

Even as a piece of design, Penguin Bookchase is worthy of a mention – check out those mini Penguin classics, mini bookcases and if you look over the page, a box shaped like a large Penguin paperback. That's attention to detail.

Of course, it's a game too, the aim of which is to travel round the board, answer some of the 1200 multiple-choice questions and collect those little mini books. It's available now from Art Meets Matter, priced at £29.95.

Find out more at the Art Meets Matter website

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Categories / Music, Toys and Games

Barbie Ladies of the 80s dolls – Debbie Harry, Joan Jett and Cyndi Lauper


Mattel seems to be going more leftfield with its Barbie doll variations these days – with the Barbie Ladies of the 80s collection being particularly odd. After all, how many young kids are going to know or remember any of the people featured in it?

Or we could suppose Mattel wants to sell these to grown-ups who remember the women first time round. Take your pick from rock chick Joan Jett, new wave pin-up Debbie Harry or wacky 80s girl Cyndi Lauper, the first two coming with instrument accessories, the latter just coming with a large dress.

But all sell for the same price, $34.99 (around £21), when they hits the shelves in December. See the other two dolls over the page.

Find out more at the Entertainment Earth website

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Categories / Toys and Games

Chalk Chess Set


There have been a few products around that have utilised old-fashioned school blackboards, but this item just uses the chalk.

The Chalk Chess Set comprises of regulation size chess pieces, but made from white and black chalk. The set does not include a board, because you can draw up your own on any suitable surface using the chalk pieces.

 The set costs £12 from Colloco.

Categories / Toys and Games

Wind-up Breakdancers


You can tell we are nearing Christmas as shops begin to stock up on little gift items that are generally fun, but ultimately useless. One such product with a retro angle is this set of Wind-Up Breakdancers.

The amusing plastic novelty items wind-up to do various breakdancing moves that you probably won’t have seen since the 1980s. If that isn’t enough to entertain you, the set also includes instructions on how do the moves yourself.

The breakdancers cost £10.95 from Pedlars.

Categories / Music, Toys and Games

SingStar: Motown arrives on the PlayStation 3


Let's be honest, who can resist a drunken night in front of the TV with a plastic microphone singing along to some old hits? Not us, that's for sure. Unfortunately, most of the music discs released forSingStar have been…well…a bit rubbish. That's until today, with the launch of SingStar: Motown, released as part of the Motown 50 celebrations.

Yes, you can croon your way through Motown classics of the 1960s and 70s to score points, to beat your mates or just because you fancy a singalong now that the pubs have closed and you're half cut. If you've already got the microphones, just slap in the disc to access everything from Mary Wells and Marvin Gaye to Rick James and the Commodores.

Around 30 tracks in total, which you can pick up for £17.99 for the PS3 version (PS2 also available with slightly less tracks). See over the page for the full tracklisting.

Find out more at the HMV website

Thanks to @lizpops for the tip off!

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