Categories / Toys and Games

Wooden London Bus


I won’t go so far as to claim that this Wooden London Bus is based on the Routemaster, but it is certainly based on an old-fashioned style of bus.

The toy vehicle has a roof that slides off to reveal wooden figures of 22 passengers, a driver and a conductor (who you don’t see on modern buses).

It costs just under £50 from Horsfall and Wright. For children who are already wary of public transport, there is also a traditional black cab toy in a similar style for around £28.

Categories / Homeware, Toys and Games

Retro toys cushion at Lapin and Me

Lapin toy cushion

This unusual retro toys cushion features Russian doll, a Sindy type figure, an action figure and plastic daschund and more put together in a pop art collage style. It comes from the Lapin and Me store, a collection of unusual goods collected from around the world, with an emphasis on kids products. This cushion has been sourced from Paris.

The cushion is cotton and measures 30 x 60cm and apparently is also a limited edition. It costs £42, so is a present for the grown-ups rather than the kiddies. 

Buy it online
Categories / Gadgets and Tech, Toys and Games

Nintendo NES controller card holder

NES card holder

Here's one for retro gaming geeks. It's another item in the huge range of Nintendo inspired goods (including pillow cases and wallets) that are available: a Nintendo NES controller card holder with all the buttons of the original controller. It also has two compartments, one for your business cards and the other for the cards you collect. However, if you want to be taken seriously at work, it's arguable how much pulling a card out of this thing will help. 

Perhaps unsurprisingly this marriage of gaming and business has come out of Japan. It's not on sale until October, but is available to pre-order for 21.46 Euros. 

Pre-order from the Geek Stuff 4 U website
Categories / Toys and Games

Hand-Made Wooden Beetle


These wooden Beetle toy cars have been handmade by Finnish company Hantverkarlyan.

The company prides itself on creating toys that are as far away from modern mass-produced plastic products and it certainly shows this case. The Beetle has been simply designed in way that just shouts Scandinavian style. It is available in a choice of red or blue. There is also a T Ford model available in a choice of yellow, green, red or blue.

All of the wooden cars cost £11.90 and can be ordered from Cloudberry Living.

Categories / Film and TV, Toys and Games

Star Trek Interactive Tribbles


Quite possibly the geekiest toy we've ever featured on this site – Star Trek Interactive Tribbles.

What's a Tribble you ask? Well, if you've ever seen the original 1960s Star trek episode 'The Trouble With Tribbles', you'll know exactly what they are. For the uninitiated, the Tribble is a cute furry creature that squeaks and has the power to calm down the average human. But there's a drawback – they multiply constantly, so your average spaceship will be full of them in days.

These battery-powered replicas don't multiply, but they do squeak and shake like the originals when 'disturbed', with a beneficial effect on your nerves likely too. They come in two sizes (small and large) and various colours, with prices starting at $14.99 (around £9.25). If you want to see them in the original TV show, see over the page for a clip.

Find out more at the Thinkgeek website

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