Categories / Toys and Games

Andreas Linzner Giraffes

Lux_giraffe_2German designer Andreas Linzner became obsessed with the Terry towelling material on his hunts around flea markets. He started using it in his artwork in pictures and collages, but then moved onto making toy animals from it. Now he travels the world looking for the material to recycle into toys like the Andreas Linzner Giraffe, so each one is made from carefully selected fabric.

Luxeville have several of his giraffe toys in stock, each made of different towelling material and each with its own name – the one pictured here is Pia, but you can also choose from Monica (lilac, white and blue crysanthamum print) or Jan (large flowers in brown, white and orange).

They cost £35 each – visit Luxeville to see the full range.

Categories / Design and Interiors, Toys and Games

Pac-Man carpet


Ideal for a retro gamer’s room – the Pac-Man carpet.

Which just about sums up what it is – a carpet sized at 210cm x 310cm, made of 100 per cent wool and with a design from a Pac-Man screenshot. It’s also exclusive – just two have been made.

Which inevitably means a high price – £1,095. But it does include shipping.

Find out more at the Our Childrens Gorilla website

Via Geek Alerts

Categories / Toys and Games

Daisy Doll by Mary Quant

DaiswingThe fashion dolls available for children today are largely charm-less lumps of plastic. Comparing Bratz and modern Barbie to dolls of the past is like comparing the Spice Girls to the Supremes or the Ronettes.

Gina Garan’s Blythe Dolls now have a cult following and sell to collectors for pretty high prices. Not as sought after, but still an interesting doll is the Daisy Doll by Mary Quant. Back in the 1973, the same year that she opened her shop Bazaar, Mary Quant designed and launched this doll, named after her trademark flower logo. As well as the doll, Quant designed a host of stylish outfits, typical of the era, to dress Daisy in and production continued for ten years.

Daisy Dolls pop up occasionally on Ebay but the Magic Toy Box has a quite a few in stock, with prices starting from £120 up to £200, as well as a good choice of outfits and accessories. At those prices, Daisy is best kept for the serious collector rather than as a gift for a drooling four-year old.

Categories / Toys and Games, Women's Fashion

Space Invaders necklace


Why buy the love of your life something obvious on the high street when you can buy this rather smart Space Invaders necklace?

Available in both yellow and pink, Super Invasion (to give it the correct name) is a large-sized alien invader with one big difference – it’s got hearts for eyes, just to add that bit of romance.

Available online, you can buy one for £15.

Find out more at the Helpless Romantic website

Categories / Men's Fashion, Toys and Games, Women's Fashion

Space Invaders hoodies


If you’re going to wear a hoodie, you might as well wear an interesting one – like one of these Space Invaders hoodies.

These unisex items are available in two styles – with large or small aliens and in colour choices for the latter. And they’re in short supply – only available via The Cool Hunter in Australia and in limited numbers per size.

If you want one, they’ll set you back $140 (Australian) plus postage to our country – unless that’s Australia, where it is free.

Find out more at The Cool Hunter website

Categories / Toys and Games

Pac-Man moving soft toys


If you don’t fancy knitting your own Pac-Man characters, you could go out and buy some with these limited edition Pac-Man moving soft toys.

Yes, your very own vintage game characters – but not just for display. Stick in the 2x AA batteries and watch them move just like the arcade game!  For your money, you get a Pac-Man, Blinky (red ghost), Pinky (pink ghost), Inky (blue ghost) and Pokey (orange ghost), each around eight inches tall.

The full set is available online, priced at $99.99 (around £50)

Find out more at the Club Namco website