I’m guessing I’m not the only person reading this site who has dabbled with 8-track players. Very much of their era and often very stylish. But there’s a downside – 8-track cartridges are clumsy, clunky and not often found in great condition.
But it’s worth hunting some down if you can pick up a player as stylish as this Panasonic space age 1970s 8-track player. Whether it works or not, this will look the part in any retro home. But this actually does work – with only minimal wear from its years of use.
You can buy it from the excellent Dutch site Original Design, which has a pile of 70s items at very reasonable prices. If you want this 8-track, it will set you back 42 Euros, which is just over £28. Sounds like good value to me.
Find out more at the Original Design website