Browsing the Japan-based Ripe website, I noticed a section of footwear from Admiral – and discovered a whole range of retro-styled trainers and pumps.
I’ve not seen these outside of Japan (and I have searched around the web), so I’m guessing this sportswear giant of the 70s (who can forget those England and Wales kits) is making footwear just for the far east.
Above is a picture of the Sheffield trainers (most have English names) and over the page is the latest range of pumps, known as the Oxford. Prices are around £45 for the Sheffield and £34 for the Oxford. If you know more (or represent Admiral), drop us a line or comment below. You can see the full range via the Ripe link.
Find out more at the Ripe website
Where is Ripe, i’m gonna be in Tokyo next week, so might try hunt some of these down.