Categories / Women's Fashion

Buy, sell and swap your vintage clothing at Fashionspace

Note all articles are independently researched and written by myself. However, if you buy via one of the links it may be an affiliate and I may earn a small commission.


For some of us the idea of trawling vintage shops for that one perfect find can be out of the question, whether it’s a lack of time or a lack of motivation to trawl through the nightmarish 1980s prom dresses. Finding vintage clothing online can be both pricey and laborious, but thankfully Fashionspace have cleverly created a Vintage Wardrobe on their site.

The site lists a wide collection of vintage pieces in one place, sold by individual owners instead of shops, allowing for no markups in price. The great prices are complimented by lengthy descriptions and feedback too. A lot like eBay really, but this time just for threads.

Find out more at the Fashionspace website

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